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Andrew Randall

According to experts there are 68,000,000 search engine requests for pornography every day. 35% of all downloads worldwide are pornography. $140,000 is earned by the industry every minute of every day. And the average age at which individuals first view pornography is 11. I’ll hazard a guess, and suggest that they are mostly males.

I mean, what is wrong with all of us that we let a generation of young males have their brains addled and screwed up by a totally parasitic industry that profits so handsomely from such distorted and unreal crap. Why don’t we just start giving young males crack cocaine for their 12th birthday. Why don’t we make them all addicted to alcohol by 13. It’d probably have the same destructive impact on their developing brains.

Let’s call a spade a spade. Pornography is all about wanking. That’s right, grown men masturbating. If somebody can explain to me the error in that statement, please do. Look, I’m no saint. I know what pornography looks like. I know that simultaneously I hate it’s evil and disgusting reality, and yet am equally tempted to ‘just have a look.’ We all know the clichés, ‘It won’t hurt anybody. No one need know. I’ll keep it under control.’

But here’s the thing. If there wasn’t the massive demand for it, there wouldn’t be the huge and easily accessible supply of it. If it wasn’t for all us pathetic adult males taking the easy path to quick, soul-less sex, young men wouldn’t have their understanding of women being so f***ed up. I think it’s about time we all got just a bit angry!!!

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